Monday, March 5, 2012

Surviving the Lesson Called Life

Life is a long trudge to strive for the three most cherished assets one could possibly attain during one's lifetime - success, happiness and love.

It is a struggle which all of us have to endure and also a challenge that everyone faces one way or another.  

Life is certainly not a bed of roses. It has its ups and downs. Hence very often we falter and during distressful times, very often we just feel like saying "I give up.....".  

But to give up would be foolish, for winners never quit and quitters never win. So never ever give up when you are weary but just stop for a while, take a break, regain your composure and try once more. In life one has to ascertain one's motive and ultimate goal. Survival in life means to have the will to surmount mountain-high obstructions, ocean-deep afflictions and to expect difficulties and yet force your way through them. 

Remember that success lies within us, in our brains and to look upon our duties and work as opportunity to be seized with joy and to be made the most of. Be like the powerful eagle who does not fear heights but soars above all the smaller birds, gracefully gliding through the blue skies.

In a world of fantasy, the human mind is full of thoughts and imagination. More often than not, we yearn for things beyond our means to enhance existing conditions. These secret desires and dreams that fill our minds sometimes do not materialize.  

The greatest crime one can commit against one's self and humanity is the unwillingness to pay the price of hard labor in honest effort to achieve one's goal. But for those who are willing to make sacrifices and lay down their comforts and pleasures, the day will come when success will be entirely theirs - when all the struggle is no more than just miles and miles of happiness, much longer than the initial struggle.

To reach the pinnacle of one's life brings a personal sense of satisfaction and inner fulfillment.

Life, in short, is striving for excellence, a desire which is synonymous in every human-being; irrespective of color or creed. However, only those of strong willpower, determination and courage undoubtedly stand a better chance of realizing their purpose for living. 

But for those of weaker character, life is only a losing battle no matter what. So live and learn. Living is an experience and till the end of our days, life is a lesson imperfectly learned.

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