Monday, March 5, 2012

What is Friendship?

I begin my blog by getting into the deeper meaning of what is friendship?  Whenever the word friendship comes to mind, I always think of the song entitled: "You've Got a Friend."  From such song we can decipher or make sense of what it is all about... When you're down and troubled and you need a helping hand....

Yes, life is one long journey full of challenges, tribulations and celebrations.  To share this beautiful journey, every human needs a friend and companion.  Moreover, as we all know, man is a social being that needs an active social life to survive.  It is not necessary to have a lot of friends, even one good friend is good enough to enjoy life.  In fact, lucky are the ones who are fortunate enough to have several good friends.   To have a friend to share your smiles and tears is a blessing.

As we move through life, we form new friendships with so many different people from all walks of life.  Each of these friendships serves a different purpose in our lives.  Some of these friendships may be lifelong or may just short live.  Some friendships are merely for convenience, such as a friendship formed over a period of a couple of days when your attendance is required somewhere where  you know no one.  These type of friendships are never intended to be lasting.  But that is not to say you did not form some type of special bond with that person over that short span of time.

It can be said that the base or foundation of any friendship should be on mutual respect, trust, genuine liking, caring, and concern and of course, mental compatibility.  In order to connect, you need to be on the same wave length as the other person.  You need to understand each other and share a common interest.  That works towards forging a lifelong bond.  There is just no give and take between friends.  Friends are like your good lucky charms, your strength, your support system.  In a good friendship, the best thing is you can take each other   for granted.  There is no rivalry, petty jealousies or distrust but a healthy mutual respect and liking for each other.

Different people define friendship in different ways  Some people call everyone they know, even in passing, a friend, others are more sparing with the word.  I think as you get older, you become more discerning in who you can call your friends, but at the same time more forgiving of the foibles of those friends.

There is nothing in this world more valuable than having someone who cares about you.  Beyond your family, the special people you choose to become close to are your friends.  They laugh with you for their goal is to brighten your day especially when your day is gloomy.

Communication is an integral component of friendship.  It requires reciprocity.  In a mutually satisfying relationship, both friends talk and both friends listen.  They don't monopolize every conversation, leaving the other very little room to talk.  In the same token, always the listener is a counselor, not a friend.  Conversation between friends is never boring.

Most often than not, we choose friends with the qualities we admire in ourselves.  Personally, its strength, compassion, spirituality and determination.  I choose to surround myself with people that can challenge my thoughts and ideas.  I like to be challenged in this way, and it's wonderful to have a relationship which allows you both to grow in this way over a glass of tea or coffee. It really is food for the soul when you choose your friends well.

Studies show that people with close friends have healthier immune systems, stronger hearts, less depression and anxiety.  They also have more joy in their lives.  We encounter friendships in many different areas of our lives.
Everyone experiences friendship at different levels.  No matter what level you encounter, friendship is a necessary  component of surviving as a social being.  These levels are classified by the purpose and emotional value of the friendship which include: means to an end, acquaintance, personal interaction, significant other, and soul mate.
The above levels will be discussed later but hopefully our friends out there can share with us their thoughts and ideas.
Truly, friendship is like a priceless diamond, shining, beautiful, and enduring.  It is something which lasts our whole life long and it is often what makes life worthwhile.  True friends are rare to come by, so treasure those you have.  They truly are considered divine gift.

Overall, a friendship is a bond that forms between two people that provides us with support sometimes, or fun at other times.  It is a relationship that allows you to be a certain part of yourself, and it allows you to become a different person within each separate friendship.  A friendship helps shape us and it gives us greater meaning in our individual lives.  A friendship teaches us to empathize and show kindness to others.  It teaches us love and attachment.  It allows us to grow through someone else eyes and most of all, it helps complete us.  So friends are undoubtedly our  angles that follow us through thick and thin.

In conclusion, i would like to say that friends are like the rainbows in our lives.  They add color, beauty, and make our days truly great and amazing.  They also bring so much pleasure, joy and contentment to our lives.  Thus, i sincerely hope that everybody is blessed with at least one good friend to share his life's ups and downs.

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